Dhikr Quiz

Download a Quiz to test what you have learned from the previous post on Dhikr:

Dhikr Quiz

Rewards for Dhikr Quiz[1]

1.     What is the best Dhikr (Remembrance of Allaah)?     ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
2.     What is better than giving in charity, jihaad and martyrdom?
3.     Fill the blanks in the table below:

English Meaning

سُبْحان الله





لا إله إلا الله


لا حَولَ وَ لا قُوّة إلا بالله


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the Name of Allaah, the All Merciful, the Especially Merciful

صلى الله عليه وسلّم
SallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam


4.     How can you plant a palm tree in Paradise? 
5.     How can you wipe away a thousand (1,000) bad deeds?     
6.     Which two sayings are light on the tongue, heavy on the scales and beloved to the Most Merciful?            
_______________________    _______________________
7.     What two sayings fill what is between the heavens and the earth? ___________________________________________________________________
8.     What phrase fills the scales?
9.     Which phrases make your sins fall away like the dry leaves falling off a tree?
10.  How can you give charity without paying any money?          
11.  Which phrases are most beloved to Allaah?
12.  Which phrases circulate the throne with a buzzing sound? ___________________________________________________________________
13.  What are the everlasting good deeds?
14.  Which phrases lead to sins being forgiven even if they were as much as the foam on the sea?
15.  What dhikr is equal to 100 sacrifices?
16.  What dhikr is equal to giving 100 horses in charity?
17.  What dhikr is equal to freeing 100 slaves?
18.  What dhikr fills what is between the heavens and the earth? ___________________________________________________________________
19.  Which dhikr was more beloved to the Prophet (r) than everything the sun has risen over?
20.  How many good deeds do you get when you say alhamdulillaahi rabbil ‘aalameen? __________________________________________________________________
21.  What can you say so that you will be mentioned around Allaah’ sThrone? ___________________________________________________________________
22.  Which dhikr can save a person from the Fire? ___________________________________________________________________
23.  Which dhikr is one of the doors of Paradise? ___________________________________________________________________
24.  Which dhikr is one of the treasures of Paradise?
25.  Which dhikr is better for you than having a servant and when do you say it? ___________________________________________________________________
26.  When do you say takbeer 34 times? After salaah or before bed? ___________________________________________________________________
27.  Which two actions will lead to Paradise? ___________________________________________________________________
28.  What is 150 on the tongue and 1500 in the balance? ___________________________________________________________________
29.  What is 100 on the tongue and 1000 in the balance? ___________________________________________________________________
30.  Which dhikr is equal to freeing slaves?
One slave        ___________________________________________________
10 slaves         ___________________________________________________
100 slaves       ___________________________________________________
31.  What are the four virtues and rewards for saying ‘subhaanAllaah’? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
32.  What will be a protection from the devil? ___________________________________________________________________
33.  What will give you 100 good deeds and wipe away 100 bad deeds? ___________________________________________________________________

34.  What will raise you in degrees?          10 degrees                  __________________
                                                                        A million degrees        __________________
35.  How can you earn 1 million good deeds and have 1 million bad deeds wiped away? __________________________________________________________________
36.  What is the best du’aa?   _______________________________________________
37.  What can you say that will mean you enter Paradise? ___________________________________________________________________
38.  How can you gain wealth, children, gardens and rivers? ___________________________________________________________________
39.  What will be a protection from Allaah’s punishment? ___________________________________________________________________
40.  What will mean that Allaah sends peace and blessings on you ten times? ___________________________________________________________________
41.  What is a protection from harm? ___________________________________________________________________
42.  When will Allaah send a guardian to you so no shaytaan can come near you till morning?
43.  What will be a disassociation from shirk?
44.  How can you earn 1 good deed (10 rewards)__________________________
45.  10 good deeds            __________________________
46.  20 good deeds            __________________________
47.  30 good deeds            __________________________
48.  100 (hundred)             __________________________
49.  1,000 (thousand)         __________________________
50.  1,000, 000 (million)     __________________________
Total out of      _____  /50                                  Percentage   _____ 100

[1] Based on the ‘Rewards for Dhikr Chart’ which can be found at www.dhikrcharts.blogspot.com